Welcome to My Digital Media Website!

Who Am I?

Hello! My name is Keamber Maria Griggs( sometimes Amber and sometimes Keys!) And I am a sophmore Here at GGC! I am a Pschology major with a minor in education and I would like to become a guidance counselor once I graduate!

ITEC Digital Media Projects

My Courses for Fall Semester 2024

Digital Media ITEC 2110
Lifespan Developmental PSYCH 2500
Survey of World History HIST 1111
Biological Sciences Bio 1101K
Choices for Life PHED 1101
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Everything Cool About Me!

When I am not being an academic weapon here at GGC, I spend most of my free time reading and writing! Most of what I read is either horror or some form of mystery, and once I finish reading I like to write about it, the books plot points, themes, and ending. I also like to play cozy, low stress, video games like Animal Crossing New Horizons and the Sims 4! I don't travel very much but when I do I like to take pictures of the nature and infrastructure of where I am because I like how differently thing are built and grown in other places!